Roseanne Sanders embarked on her healthcare career quite unexpectedly, starting as a part-time biller for a chiropractor. This initial role sparked a deep interest in the intricacies of medical coding and billing, leading her to a rewarding career path in her current role as Practice Manager at Rosedale Health + Wellness. Roseanne has extensive experience in the administrative side of healthcare.
One of Roseanne’s greatest satisfactions in her role is overseeing the office’s day-to-day operations and working with a dedicated team of employees who genuinely love what they do. She takes pride in fostering an environment where every team member goes above and beyond to provide compassionate care to all patients.
“Rosedale Health + Wellness has a particular commitment to primary care and comprehensive LGBTQ+ healthcare,” Roseanne explains. “The practice can offer a compassionate and personal touch while providing wide-reaching services for the greater community.” Roseanne proudly describes the practice as “the biggest little office around,” where the team goes beyond traditional medical care to support patients in various aspects of daily life. The practice not only provides exceptional healthcare but also contributes to the community through initiatives like donating clothing and food pantry items and partnering with other agencies to offer financial assistance.
A Connecticut native, Roseanne has been a resident of the Lake Norman area since 1997. She is married and the proud mother of two adult daughters. Her household also includes two lively Papillons, Maxx and Patrick, known for their enthusiastic barking. When not at work, she enjoys boating, reading, and traveling.