We provide comprehensive LGBTQ+ healthcare services for the greater Lake Norman and Charlotte, NC region. Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer experience different challenges than their heterosexual peers. They can experience barriers when looking for healthcare-welcoming providers. LGBTQ+ patients are no strangers to healthcare discrimination, including harsh and humiliating treatment, refusal of primary and special care, and other healthcare services for these special patients. Discrimination plays a huge role in discouraging lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer patients from seeking healthcare.
LGBTQ+ Healthcare
Since healthcare discrimination in the United States requires serious action, we at Rosedale Health & Wellness work tirelessly to provide the LGBTQ+ community with the best and necessary treatment for their individual needs without bias to gender preferences. As a wellness facility that caters to the healthcare needs of everyone, regardless of gender preferences, beliefs, and practices, we ensure no one will experience healthcare discrimination when they choose us. Our goal is to serve all the needs of our LGBTQ+ patients once they reach out to us for our professional medical services and care.
Why Choose us?
By partnering with Dudley’s Place, Rosedale Health & Wellness understands the importance of high-quality healthcare and services to LGBTQ+ patients. Unlike non-LGBTQ+ patients, they need special attention and care. As a result, most healthcare institutions in the United States do not understand them. Oftentimes, they are victims of healthcare discrimination and are often mistreated or abused. When you choose us, we will make sure you are in the right place and under the supervision and care of the right people. Our team of medical experts and staff are highly trained and well-experienced when it comes to dealing with LGBTQ+ healthcare. Our job is not to tell you how to live their lives but to make their lives better through our healthcare system and services.
If you are among the 15 million people in the United States who are identified as LGBTQ+ who need treatment, our facility is open and happy to provide for your needs. If you’ve experienced health disparities in the past, we assure you that we treat every patient equally and with respect in our facility.
Our Services for LGBTQ+ Patients
Rosedale caters to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer patients, including HIV/AIDS care and prevention and other medical issues related to the LGBTQ+ community. The wellness center also offers healthcare services to LGBTQ+-related health issues like hepatitis, breast and cervical cancers, reproductive and sexual health, depression and anxiety, substance abuse, suicide, and other mental health problems.
Transgender and gender non-conforming patients can also get hormone therapy and other services focused on their needs. We also offer access to healthcare for transgenders who go through marriage issues and family problems. There are lots of issues affecting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers aside from health problems. However, as a wellness facility, we focus on health-related issues to improve their health and wellbeing.
LGBTQ+ Healthcare Disparities
Health disparities in various healthcare settings affect the LGBTQ+ community and their desire to seek professional medical help. As a result, they resort to homecare and self-medication to avoid the backlash from society while getting their treatment. Although we do not discriminate against self-medication, there are lots of benefits and advantages if LGBTQ+ are given equal opportunity to receive high-quality treatment at any healthcare institution.
Since discrimination prevents LGBTQ+ patients from accessing healthcare due to their worries of being denied service, harassed, or mistreated by staff and medical personnel, it’s crucial to have a healthcare facility that protects and provides their healthcare needs. Although there are existing protections against healthcare discrimination, there’s a high rate of LGBTQ+ harassment and humiliation in many healthcare settings. At Rosedale Health & Wellness, you can leave all of your worries at home and focus on getting your health back on track. We guarantee high-quality healthcare services in an open and affirming environment. If you feel the need for someone who will genuinely look after your health and wellness, pick up the phone and give us a call today!